Matrix Software


Abreviation Meaning Notes
App How the program manifests -
Exe Execution of a program -
V Very Common Available just about anywhere
C Common Relatively easy to find
U Uncommon You've got to have connections
R Rare Hard to find
T Custom Build it or have someone build it for you
L Legal A legal soft
I Illegal An illegal soft
M Minor Use or possession results in a fine
Md Moderate Use or possession results in a severe fine or jail time
S Severe Use or possession results terrible consequences incarceration or nervous system dampening
H Harsh Use or possession results in death


Name Resources NuYen Description Dice App Legality Rarity
Dwarf 2 250 Stronger version of a Worm. Takes 4 rounds to complete 6 I-Md C
Grubb 1 200 Weaker version of a Worm. Takes 3 rounds to complete 4 I-M V
Hammer 3 400 Less powerful but still brutal attack 4 x I-H C
Jackhammer 2 350 Noisy, brutal attack 5 x I-M C
Water Torture 3 420 This soft, once installed, runs slowly in the background eventually compromising the integrity of the wall. Runs once per hour. 2 X I-Md U
Pileddriver 3 800 Dirty, noisy, brutal attack 8 8 I-H C
Portal 3 750 Open doors in data walls. Requires an authenticated user. 8 x L V
Ramming Piston 3 900 Even more powerful version of Piledriver 10 x I-H U
Sledgehammer 3 600 More subtle version of piledriver 6 dice x I-Md C
Termites 2 160 Multiple instances of the same program. 2 x I-M C
Worm 3-4 600-1000 Attack program custom built to intrude on a specific system. Only works against that system. Varies x I-S T
Name Resources NuYen Description Dice App Legality Rarity
